3 Landscaping Ideas to Boost Curb Appeal in Monroe and Warwick, NY Areas

3 Landscaping Ideas to Boost Curb Appeal in Monroe and Warwick, NY Areas

As you look at your Monroe and Warwick, NY, area home and yard, do you ever think that it needs some “oomph”—something to boost the curb appeal and initial beauty that guests will see when they visit? These landscaping ideas can give your curb appeal a shot in the arm to amplify the appearance of your property.

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Walkways and Driveways

You might not have paid close attention to the transition from the driveway to the walkway because you rarely enter the house from that direction but your guests do. Have you ever thought about the ease of parking and navigating to the front door? These simple changes can make it more functional and pretty.

Over time driveways can crack and shift because of the freeze/thaw cycle that happens every winter. Every time the water freezes in the cracks of the driveway, the crack expands to be come a crevice and on and on. Eventually, sections of the driveway can break off or from indentations or potholes that can make driving on this surface unpleasant. 

Resurfacing your driveway with beautiful paving stones can eliminate the damage and provide a smooth, durable surface for parking the cars. Driveway paving stones come in an array of colors, textures, and shapes which you can mix and match to create a custom driveway. Borders and banding and central designs can be incorporated to give your driveway a one-of-a-kind look.

Many walkways are original to a home and can be too narrow for guests to walk side-by-side comfortably. Landscape experts recommend widening the walkways to four feet to allow multiple people to walk together, enjoying catching up with one another on the way to the front door. Landscape paving stones can be ideal for resurfacing a walkway and you can continue the same look from the driveway for a seamless transition or choose a different stone combination. 

Front Entries

Similar to walkways, an entryway can be cramped and not do your home justice as a beautiful focal point of access. You could refresh existing columns with a stone base and a more substantial column along with a decorative wood arch at the top of the porch. Widening the steps serves the same function as widening the walkway to make the approach to the front entry easy and uncrowded. Upgrading the lighting with statement sconces that have improved lighting capabilities can help your visitors to see well once the sun has set. 

Landscape Refresh

Landscapes can be like last year’s clothes—not bad but not great either. Hand curated stone can be the thing that gives your landscape a boost, from a textured retaining wall to a custom stacked stone mailbox to large accent boulders in a landscape bed where trailing flowers spill over the rocks. 

Streamlining the landscaping for more harmony and balance can be simple changes that might not seem like much but when put together, they create a dramatic shift to the visual image of your home and yard.

Amazing curb appeal should start with great design. When a landscape expert focuses the attention on the tiny details of your Monroe and Warwick, NY, area property, the vision has been shifted to a more defined style, boosting the curb appeal of your home by leaps and bounds.

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